Friday, January 4, 2008

Freakin' Cold and Tons of Snow

We've had record breaking snow recently. Which is great for cross country skiing and snowshoeing on the carriage roads in Acadia National Park. Only down side lately of this winter weather is the freakin' cold temperature. We are hovering in the single digits this week.

Ice fishermen will be loving it because the lakes are really starting to freeze up for the first time this season. Better than last year when we experienced a very strange warm winter that nearly left us without any ice fishing at all. Can you say Global Warming?

Unfortunately this area will feel the effects of global warming in a very direct way with about 60 percent or so of the island disappearing underwater and who knows what will happen to the fishing industry as the water warms. Meanwhile everyone seems to like to leave their trucks running all the time burning up expensive gas and diesel and contributing to the very greenhouse gases that are projected to destroy island life. Think global, act local!

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